CNHS Goes National by Zimri Dolo

        As a program of the Department of Education in collaboration of the Celebration of National Teacher’s Day, they pursued an Essay Writing competition to all Public and Private Schools Nationwide. Being a competitive school here in Pugo, a student in the person of Zimri B. Dolo represented the school to the said competition. In his essay he stated that “Success is not success without the persons of great and intimate knowledge behind every learning process.” Mr. Alberto Laoeng, the English adviser of the fourth year class did the editing of the essay and after which, Mr. Virgilio Boado did the submission of the piece. Even if the composition failed to achieve the championship, Zimri was still very much happy because he did make the teachers feel that the students of Cuenca National High School loved and valued them with their whole hearts.

        This really showed that even in a small institution like CNHS, there was a National competitiveness among the students.

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